Boracay Scam deflection: “What Chinese casino?”

Nose Roque shouting

They don’t call him Pi-Roque-o for nothing.

Now that the rat is out of the bag, The Thug Regime is furiously pack-peddling and insisting that no Chinese-owned resort-casino is going into Boracay as the regime abruptly closes off the island due to “environmental concerns.”

This comes as the Thug-in-Chief makes a butt-snuggling pilgrimage to China.

The play here is obvious: Lie, obfuscate, deny, and distract.  Then, when the dust has settled and the media have moved on to the next big scandal, do what you planned to do all along.

It’s the same old story.

The only real question now is: Who else, specifically, will profit from the Boracay Scam?


Rappler busts The Thug on the Boracay Scam

Duterte shades

“Okay, you caught me selling out to China and lying about it.  But I don’t give a shit.”

Using environmental concerns as a pretext, The Thug Regime is seizing control of the Boracay tourism cash cow so Chinese investors can milk it for themselves and share a little cream with the “right people.”

The Thug claimed he knew nothing about a new Chinese-bankrolled resort-casino that’s planned for the island.  Nobody with any sense believed him, but Rappler went the extra step and proved he was flat-out lying.

Yes, some political opportunists will use this controversy for their own purposes.  And yes, there’s already lots of illegal development, and over-development, on Boracay and it’s harming the environment.

But no, the Thug Regime has no real plan to rehabilitate the island to protect the environment, and there’s no new and imminent crisis that didn’t exist last year or ten years ago.

But there is a big new resort-casino that’s coming in, and there’s lots of money to be made and spread around.

And there’s a very pliable president in power, and he lies his ass off.