Dturd toady: ‘Killing isn’t forbidden’

Nose Roque shouting

Ridiculous butt-snuggling toady and former self-styled “human rights lawyer” Harry Roque is defending his bloodthirsty boss’s public exhortations to “kill, kill, kill” as perfectly acceptable — even after police and soldiers slaughtered nine people in a series of raids on suspected Communist sympathizers.  That’s right: sympathizers, not actual armed rebels.

Let’s be honest here: Communists and their armed elements are a real pain in the ass in the Philippines, sticking blindly to a failed ideology — or at least professing to do so while extorting “revolutionary taxes” from anyone they can — and holding the country back.  The idiot leftist sympathizers who influence gullible elements of Congress and closet-Communists in the media with their dogmatic slogans and incessant news releases should be roundly ostracized.

But that doesn’t mean the cops and military have the right to barge into their homes and shoot them to death on sight.

Roque’s lame rationalizations: “Because there’s a war with the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army, killing isn’t forbidden.  Under international humanitarian law, the president’s order to ‘kill, kill, kill’ is correct. What, you want the soldiers to be killed?”

This piece of shit is lying, again.  War against armed insurgents is one thing.  Summary executions are another. Virtually no one believes that the nine people slaughtered on what is being labeled “Bloody Sunday” were putting up armed resistance. 

So while Roque defends the president’s words under a very loose interpretation of law, he neatly sidesteps the real issue: That people were illegally slaughtered.

This guy is such a shameless piece of shit.  And to think, many of the idiot leftists and pseudo-nationalists who are on the run today or are aghast at the government’s actions once lauded Roque as some sort of human rights icon back when he was such a craven opportunist telling them what they wanted to hear in regards to other atrocities and to anything involving the US military, no matter how ridiculous.

Fucking idiot drama queen.  And goddamned fools who once idolized him.

More silly Duterte drama shows VFA approval likely soon

Duterte confused

After making an ass of himself and making the Philippines look like a nation of whores, Dturd continues to make face-saving noises about the Visiting Forces Agreement with the US — a clear indication that the agreement will be renewed sometime soon.

If he was serious about abrogating the VFA and undermining the Mutual Defense Treaty with the US, he would have done so by now. The fact that he’s been making stupid public noises about demanding more money, vaccine doses, or military equipment from the US — he’s not really sure what he wants — after twice postponing his earlier abrogation order makes it clear that he wants to approve the agreement but also that he has the mentality of a grubby old Divisoria fish hag who used to be an Olongapo bar girl.

Now, he’s grumbling about canceling the VFA if he should find proof that the US is storing nuclear weapons on Philippine soil — as if any Philippine military base has anything near the capacity to store US nukes.

But the fact that he’s grumbling about a reason to cancel the VFA for such a reason obviously shows that he’s getting ready to approve it but just needs to make a little more noise to make himself feel like he’s in control and show off for his beer buddies and hick constituents.

But that’s what you get when you elect a punk-ass spoiled brat promdi as president and mindlessly cheer for him when he puts on little displays of crude machismo while bending over for a big panda dick in his ass. And the panda seems to not even be interested in anything but taking his house and his daughters.